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Commit More Nuisance

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Art of Nuisance season.
What began as a tiny tweet from Miss Pokeno to Sarah Maple on a rainy day in February evolved into a massive collaborative event that rolled through five summer residencies then culminated in two fast and furious weeks in October bringing artists and activists together to create joyous dissent and nuisance where before there was none.
We had soup salons and film nights and workshops and parties both big and small. The Pen.gg Collective flew in to show us how to make mischief Berlin style. We talked about the intersections of feminism and activism, the politics of the personal, feminisms old and new, actions and distractions, and how to create and keep safe spaces to discuss dissenting views. What evolved was a real respect of diverse practices and the common thread tying it all together was humour and gleeful piss taking of all things authoritarian and patriarchal.
Meg Mosley and Sarah Maple teamed up to present an evening of intergenerational feminist arm wrestling inviting the audience to fight it out to find the ‘best feminist’. Sarah Habib disguised as Betty Friedan took the title and after many challenges was presented with a crown of disfigured golden barbies. Fuelled by the Sisters now notorious gin mufftails it was a hilarious riotous event that the artists will continue to develop.
Finally Cristina Lina and her crew joined with the Sisters to present Fire To the Hole. This was the last night of Art of Nuisance when all the artists took their work down from the gallery walls and led a wild noisy procession through the streets with red flags on golden poles flying and Fari Bradley playing dirty dirty sounds on her even dirtier tuba. We arrived finally at a secret location where Christina Lina fired the potato cannon at a target made from Rebecca Jackson’s  tablecloth covered with balloons filled with powder paint. Imagine Niki de St Phalle meets Boudica on the Wall of Death. The cannon fired, potatoes flew at high velocity, balloons exploded and war cries and smoke and laughter filled the night air. With the final explosion a potato goddess emerged from the haze and led everyone back to HQ where there was a volcano floating on a cloud of dry ice and the goddess proceeded to dole out ladles of mind blowing moonshine. The all female DJ crew – DJ Smouldering Ashtray, DJ Jockey Leg, PG Tips, Trixy Skulz and Deejay D’Afro – hit the decks and the party roared.
So this leaves us with no choice. We have to do  it again next year- wilder, bigger ,brighter and smarter.
The cry has gone out around London town – COMMIT MORE NUISANCE!


Image by Jasmine Faulkner.

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